Why do I do this? Part 1
My goal with this business is to have my clients find balance between their busy lives and making time for daily activity. This activity can be a combination of whatever they truly enjoy whether that is walking, reading, cycling, or knitting and pairing that with structured resistance training involving the use of weights, bands, or a person’s own body. This will give my clients a genuine enjoyment for doing their program since it is built around what they genuinely enjoy and help give them the confidence to use training to progress their own health and goals.
These clients would share their excitement and progress with others which would lead to me creating and helping a growing community of positive behaviour towards daily activity in all our lives. My phrase of “Your success is my success.” resides in that philosophy.
If you want to work on a program with me, or you just want a consultation to evaluate where activity could be scheduled, feel free to book with me at fitnessonthefly.ca
Thanks for reading and Stay Strong!
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