New Years Resolution

New years bring about new year's resolutions in the fitness industry. I wish to talk about the why and share some tips behind these promises we make to ourselves. 

When we make promises in the new year I hear them as either things we wish to start, like looking after our health more, starting or finishing a project, or starting to make more time for X. Why we make these promises could be for many reasons, but usually I hear it is because people don’t like a particular thing they see or wish they had done something differently the previous year. We make these promises to ourselves in the new year in hopes to do better for ourselves and those around us.

Tip 1: Set a resolution and pair it with an outcome. “I want to take better care of my health BECAUSE I wish to keep up with my family on vacation.” Pairing a promise with what it gets you will help give you a starting point and a finishing line to work with. 

Tip 2: Tell someone your resolution or goal. Telling another person helps us feel that the resolution is both real, set in stone, and we are held accountable when others get involved. Even when they just listen to your new year's promise. 

Tip 3: Do your research and set reasonable smaller goals and expectations. If your end goal is looking after your health because you want to keep up with your family as you age, but could be years or decades in the making. Breaking it down to smaller goals with examples like I will go for a ten minute walk every day or I will commit 1 hour to exercise per week can be reasonable starting points that lead to habits of better long term health and reaching that larger goal.

Tip 4: Setbacks will happen and accept that you may not achieve your goal on the first try. That is why we make these resolutions in the first place and why you may notice they repeat year after year. As long as you keep trying, then you are wanting that end goal and outcome. 

Maybe you need help finding, starting, or achieving your New Year’s Resolution? Check out my services at to work with a professional that has helped many others work towards their goals. Thanks for reading and Stay Strong!

#newyears #resolution #goals #tips